The foundation is currently considering grants in five major areas:


  • Cancer Awareness  – to foster innovation and research and support clinical services and outreach.

  • Assistance to Special Needs People – to support organizations that provide programs and services to children and adults with disabilities.

  • Health and Welfare – to assist organizations providing health programs and services for children and young adults.

  • Food Banks

  • Zoological Services – to foster education and provide support for animal conservation and research.



Applications will be considered in these general areas or for special projects established by the Board.  Proposals will only be considered for programs within the State of Missouri.


Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the procedure outlined below.  Multi-year capital projects may be considered but it is not generally the foundation’s intention to provide annual operating support. In general, it is not the foundation’s desire to be the sole source of funding for a project.

Each grant request will be evaluated on its merits and the interests of the foundation. There is no fixed range of grant size but requests should reflect the foundation’s limited budget.

Letter Of Inquiry

11 + 7 =

The Foundation makes grants twice a year, in May and in November.

The grant cycle is as follows:

March 15th

Full proposals are due from applicants. May Board Meeting, Grant decisions are made.

June 30th

Applicants are notified of Board Decisions.

October 15th

Full proposals are due from applicants. November Board Meeting, Grant decisions are made.

December 31st

Applicants are notified of Board Decisions.